How to Talk To Your Spouse About Money Without Fighting

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For many couples, it’s brutally difficult to learn how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting – and it’s easy to see why.

Case in point: when I was researching my book, I came across a study conducted by University College London a few years ago that surveyed 15,000 men and women in Great Britain. Researchers found that people are seven times more likely to tell a stranger details about their sex life than they are to tell a stranger their salary.

In a lot of ways, money is the last remaining taboo in our society.

And when we look at the statistics on money and marriage, it shows. According to TD Bank, 40% of millennial couples argue about money at least once a week.

Money is an incredibly hard subject to talk about. And at the same time, we all know that communication is one of the keys to a strong marriage. (If you haven’t heard that communication is one of the keys to a strong marriage, I can’t help you.)

Unfortunately, a lot of the guidance I see from other sources about how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting leaves a lot to be desired. Most of the advice I hear other financial professionals give couples on the topic usually doesn’t go any deeper than platitudes like “you should try to compromise” (shocker), “adopt a team mindset” (useful… not), or “be transparent” (no kidding).

Today, we’re going to go a little deeper and discuss some specific tips on how to set up your financial conversations for success, some specific communication patterns to focus on, and how to structure financial conversations to decrease money fights.

(If you’d prefer to listen to this article, you can get a podcast version of this post here: Money and Marriage Podcast Episode 132 – How To Talk To Your Spouse About Money Without Fighting)

Set the Stage For Success

Back in college, I took a public speaking class. As you might imagine, most of our assignments involved standing up in front of the class and giving speeches every few weeks.

Sometimes, the professor gave us the topic in advance so we could prepare and bring notes. Other times, she would ask us to stand up and give an impromptu talk about a random subject she chose on the spot.

As you might imagine, the prepared speeches were much clearer and more effective than the improvised ones.

Money conversations in your marriage work the same way. If you’re struggling to figure out how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting, doing a little prep work can go a long way toward making the conversations much smoother.

Here are a few specific tips for how to set the stage for your conversations to give you the best possible chance of having a productive conversation with a positive outcome.

Be Proactive – nobody likes talking about money. (Well, almost nobody – yours truly might be the exception to the rule, but that’s what you’d expect from a financial planner!)

Since money is such a tough subject to talk about, most of us put off dealing with financial conversations until we reach a tipping point. And when you’re past the tipping point, it can be much more difficult to have money conversations with your spouse without arguing.

Don’t save your financial conversations for times of crisis. Be proactive with your money talks so that you are regularly checking in with each other. I usually suggest having money conversations about once a month.

By anticipating issues in advance and starting financial conversations before you reach the tipping point, it can be much easier to keep the tone positive.

Choose the Right Time – If you ask or tell me anything after 9:30 PM, the odds of me actually retaining the conversation the next day are very low. I usually have a lot of evening client meetings, so by the time 9:30 comes around, I’m mentally fried for the day.

If you try to have a serious conversation with me at that time, it’s likely to go nowhere. Something I’d normally be amenable to during the day might be a complete nonstarter if you ask me in the evening.

The same is likely true with your partner—and it’s especially true about money.

Find an appropriate time to ask your spouse to sit down and go through your family’s financial plan.

Even better: don’t spring the conversation on them out of the blue; instead, ask them to put some time on their calendar in the next week to start the discussion at a time they agree to.

What’s the Desired Outcome of the Conversation? Begin with the end in mind. One of the best ways to learn how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting is to go into the conversation with a clear goal in mind.

What are you hoping to achieve in your money conversation? Are you looking to cover a lot of ground, or resolve one specific issue?

By answering these questions in advance, you can tailor the conversation to focus on the most important issues at hand. Even better, you can anticipate some guardrails to put on the conversation to prevent yourselves from going too far off topic. Taking these steps greatly reduces the odds of money fights.

Specific Communication Patterns for How to Talk To Your Spouse About Money Without Fighting

Communication issues around money aren’t always a quick fix. But by intentionally focusing on the right communication strategies, you might be surprised how quickly things can start turning around.

Here are a few specific strategies to consider when you talk to your partner about finances (or anything else):

Beware the Four Horsemen – Don’t read the apocalyptic-sounding name and shrug this off as hyperbole. (episode 12)

The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” in our context, doesn’t refer to the biblical end times. Rather, it’s a framework developed by relationship expert Dr. John Gottman.

I did a deep dive into the Four Horsemen framework back in episode 12 of the Money and Marriage Podcast, and it’s still one of the most popular episodes I’ve ever recorded.

To give you an overview of the framework: In his research, Dr. Gottman found that he could predict whether a marriage would end in divorce or not 90% percent of the time by observing the presence of one of these four communication styles, which he dubbed “The Four Horsemen.”

The four horsemen are:

  • Criticism: Attacking your partner’s personality or character rather than the problem you are trying to solve.
  • Defensiveness: Often the response to criticism, defensiveness involves deflecting blame and avoiding responsibility for the problem.
  • Contempt: Often referred to as the most dangerous of the Four Horsemen to your relationship, contempt involves attacking your partner and placing yourself in a position of moral superiority. To treat your partner with contempt is to treat them with disrespect and meanness, either through what you say verbally or through your body language (eye rolls, etc.).
  • Stonewalling: Much like defensiveness is often the response to criticism, stonewalling is often the response to contempt. When you stonewall your partner, you withdraw from the conversation and stop engaging with your partner as a defense mechanism.

These are not strictly financial in nature. Rather, each of these four communication patterns should be a warning sign whenever they come up in your relationship – whether it be about finances or not.

If the Four Horsemen are something you’re struggling with, addressing this isn’t just important for how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting, it’s important for your relationship as a whole. Focus your attention here first.

Other Helpful Reminders – I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I find that a lot of the content available for couples on how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting doesn’t go as deep as I would like it to.

And while that is true, it doesn’t mean that some of the commonly-cited advice is incorrect. So, to quickly lay out a few common communication best practices for your marriage, you should seek to:

  • Use “I Statements” – When you’re communicating about a sensitive topic like money, try to start your statements with phrases like “I think”, “I feel,” and so on. Doing so helps you to make your point based on expressing your perspective rather than focusing on your partner’s shortcomings. Starting conversations this way tends to decrease confrontation in conversations. This isn’t high school English class where your teacher will cross out the words “I feel” at the beginning of the sentence telling you that adding the phrase doesn’t help you make your point. Focusing on making “I statements” can actually be very beneficial in this context.
  • Active listening – When your spouse is speaking, make sure you hear what they are saying. Fully concentrate on your spouse when they are articulating their position, and make sure that your body language shows that you are paying attention. When in doubt, paraphrase what your spouse said after they are done speaking to make sure you heard them correctly.

Above all, I encourage you to talk to your spouse with the goal of understanding their perspective. Understanding something in more detail before trying to find a resolution to a tough decision is never a bad idea. Focus your conversations about money with your spouse on first trying to understand their perspective.

Doing so will help you lay the groundwork for an effective financial conversation.

How to Structure The Conversation

Think about this last section as a toolbox. I’ve listed several different “tools” you can employ to help you structure your financial conversations. Depending on your specific situation, you may need to use one, two, or all of these tools. Pick and choose what is most relevant to your family in the moment.

When in Doubt, Start with the Future – What do you want your lives to look like ten, twenty, thirty years from now?

Usually, I find that couples have (mostly) the same answers to this question. We tend to want most of the same things out of life as our partner – it’s one of the reasons we got married in the first place!

You might have disagreements on the state of our finances today – or we might have financial baggage we need to unpack from our past – but you probably want most of the same things out of your life as your partner in the long run.

Once you’ve gotten clear on what this long-term vision of your lives should be, you can reverse engineer the clearest path to get there from where you are today. Usually, this is a much better way to approach financial decisions than starting with the present.

I like to compare financial conversations with your spouse to driving a car. Most couples approach money talks by primarily looking backward at what’s happened in the past (looking in the rearview mirror of the car) or dwelling on what’s happening financially today (the data on the dashboard, or other things happening inside the car.)

The rearview mirror and dashboard are important. There’s a reason that cars have them. They give you critical information about what’s happening on your journey. (And this is especially true if you and/or your spouse have financial trauma in your past. There is a lot of value in looking backward to work through these things!)

But if you spend too much time looking out the rearview mirror or at the dashboard rather than focusing most of your attention on the road ahead of you, you’re asking for trouble.

The more you can look at the road ahead of you and focus on your destination, the better.

By starting financial conversations with the future vision for your lives, you are setting you and your spouse up for success in the conversation. If you need help getting the conversation started, I encourage you to schedule a free breakthrough session with me.

Agree on the Scope of the Conversation – If you’ve followed the suggestions in this article, you’ve spent some time thinking through your desired outcome for the conversation in advance. But remember – your spouse gets a vote, too.

At the beginning of the conversation, ask them, “What are you hoping to get out of this conversation?”

Listen to what they have to say, share your perspective, and agree on the scope from the beginning. Doing so can help you both the right boundaries in place in the conversation. Not only will this help to prevent the conversation from going off the rails, it makes it more likely that the conversation will result in a positive outcome.

Set Ground Rules – Don’t go too overboard with this, but it’s a good idea to set some ground rules for your money conversations in advance.

My favorite ground rule for couples when they discuss money is to always approach financial conversations with a “no shame, no blame” attitude.

We’ve all made mistakes with money in the past. We’ve all felt anxious or guilty or stressed about the state of our finances. Be careful about letting the tone of your money conversations trigger these emotions in your spouse.

Focus on what you want your money to do for you in the future. The degree to which your family can adapt a culture of not focusing on shame or blame in money conversations can be a key factor in stopping money fights.

One note – adopting a “no shame, no blame” attitude in money conversations does not mean that you should suppress feelings of anxiety, stress, or guilt about your money. It’s OK to acknowledge these feelings as they arise and work through them together as you chart your path forward. What you shouldn’t do, though, is frame the conversation in a way to make your spouse feel shamed or blamed about the state of your family’s finances, and vice versa.

When in Doubt, Start Small – I find that most couples tend to adopt an all-or-nothing approach to discussing finances.

Either they aren’t talking about money at all, or they try to solve all of their biggest financial problems all at once.

One key way to learn how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting is to recognize when it might make sense to start small.

If you’re struggling to get on the same page with big financial decisions, try narrowing your scope and working on a smaller goal, first.

It can feel counterintuitive to make faster financial progress by focusing on smaller goals, as I discussed in this previous episode of The Money and Marriage Podcast. But I’ve seen tons of couples start to make faster financial progress after focusing on smaller goals first, because the momentum they generate from getting quick wins under their belts tends to give them some momentum.

If you find yourselves wanting to butt heads about money whenever you talk about it, try starting small. Reduce the scope of what you’re talking about at first. Once you get a few quick wins, it’s often easier to have the tougher, bigger follow-up discussions.

Don’t be Afraid to Hit the Pause Button – If one or both of you get to the point in your financial conversations where you’re feeling tired, or you can feel tensions start to escalate, don’t be afraid to pause.

Take a break, step away for as long as you need to, and then resume the conversation. Taking breaks when you need them can be a very important way to de-escalate tough conversations.

Note: there’s a difference between hitting the pause button and hitting the stop button. Don’t shut down difficult money conversations indefinitely.

But there’s nothing wrong with taking a break when you need one.

Follow A Process – Don’t just wing it. Your financial conversations should follow a proven process that focuses on the most important things that will give you the best possible chance of having a productive money conversation.

I share my favorite financial “date night” agenda in chapter 15 of my book, Marriage-Centered Money: Get on the Same Financial Page and Achieve Your Life Goals Together. I encourage you to check out the book and grab your copy for 50% off the listed Amazon price.

It can be challenging to learn how to talk to your spouse about money without fighting… but there are plenty of steps you can take to improve the tenor of your financial conversations in your family.

I encourage you to pick one or two ideas from this article and implement them in your next money conversation. And if you need help, please feel free to reach out and schedule a free breakthrough session.

How To Merge Finances After Marriage: 9 Tips For Couples

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To get your new family off on the right foot, it’s critically important to have a proven strategy for how to merge finances after marriage.

Unfortunately, most of the advice out there on how to combine finances after marriage tends to be one-size-fits all. It’s very hard to find moderated guidance that actually looks at the specific issues you and your spouse are having and has a nuanced discussion about the right solution to fit your needs. (I’ve discussed this idea in more detail in episodes 96 and 113 of The Money and Marriage Podcast.)

Here are nine tips for couples on how to merge finances after marriage in a way that is customized to you and your spouse’s unique money habits, attitudes and values. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to pick up a copy of my book, Marriage-Centered Money: Get on the Same Financial Page and Achieve Your Life Goals Together.

(If you’d prefer to listen to this article, you can get a podcast version of this post here: Money and Marriage Podcast Episode 131 – How To Merge Finances After Marriage: 9 Tips For Couples)

1. There is a right and wrong answer on how you should merge finances after marriage…

…but the “right” answer for you and your spouse might be the “wrong” answer for a different couple.

Financial planners and financial media personalities tend to be very quick to dole out financial prescriptions.

You can find money gurus out there who will tell you that you always need to combine 100% of your finances after you get married, and you can find equally respected gurus who will tell you never to combine any of your money with your spouse.

Beyond the obvious confusion that can result from getting such conflicting and absolute guidance, talking about how to merge finances after marriage this way leaves little room for nuance… with a topic that often as a ton of nuance in the “real world”.

To me, this is a little bit like a doctor suggesting that people should always take penicillin when they have a bacterial infection.

Sure, penicillin might make sense in many cases… but it might not be effective if the root cause of your infection is something that penicillin doesn’t effectively address. (Not to mention the fact that you might be allergic to penicillin.)

Both of those options – “you should always combine finances” and “you should always keep all your finances separate” – could be problematic for your marriage, depending on the circumstances. “You should always combine 100% of your bank accounts, always” sounds good in theory . . . but if you and your spouse have a few specific differences in financial habits, this one step could very easily make your financial arguments worse… unless you do some underlying work to get on the same page. And you probably don’t need me to tell you that, on the flip side, never combining any of your money can create some logistical barriers to working together in the future.

No two relationships (and no two financial situations) are exactly the same. The “right” choice for you as a family could very well be the wrong decision for others. It’s critical, then, to appropriately tailor the way you manage money as a family to the specific dynamics of your relationship.

This is a core tenet of my marriage-centered financial planning process – giving customized guidance for couples based on proven financial principles. When you’re deciding whether to combine accounts, you should first meet each other where you’re at.

Physicians don’t hand out prescriptions to patients without making a diagnosis first, and the same applies to making good money decisions for couples.

I explore this idea in a ton of detail in my book. You can grab a copy for 50% off using this link!

2. There are very, very few good reasons to keep ALL of your finances separate

All of the above being said: in the vast majority of cases, it makes sense to combine at least some financial accounts.

I’ve talked to hundreds of couples about the state of their finances and how they manage money together over the past seven plus years, and I’ve never seen a case where the optimal strategy is to keep all of their accounts separate.

There is plenty of gray area on the spectrum of “combining everything” versus “combining nothing”. I’ve seen countless cases where I thought it made sense to keep certain accounts separate rather than rush to combine them.

But usually, when I meet a couple who wants to keep everything separate, it’s a sign that they’re using completely separate finances to avoid the tough money conversations they need to have.

Separate accounts in this context are a way for them to keep their heads in the sand about their financial situations rather than addressing challenges head on.

In the best-case scenario, not wanting to combine any accounts is a sign that they don’t want to take an hour to do the necessary work to merge some of their accounts. And while I’m all about making managing money easy for couples, wanting to be so hands off with your money that you don’t want to take a little time up front to make things easier for you to manage in the long run is a bad sign about your future financial trajectory.

If you and/or your spouse has resisted the idea of combining any accounts, it’s really, really important to start exploring why this is the case. Typically, resisting the idea of combining any accounts is a symptom of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

One final note that often gets missed by couples making the decision on how to merge finances after marriage: I’ve seen firsthand in my work with couples that keeping completely separate finances can create weird – and problematic – power imbalances in a marriage over time.

On the one hand, these imbalances could involve your future savings goals. If, for example, you save a much higher percentage of your income for retirement than your spouse, you might find yourself being able to retire years or even a decade earlier than your spouse.

If your spouse can’t afford to travel with you during retirement (or whatever you want to do when you retire), do you really want to stay at home with them (or travel by yourself) just because you decided to always pay your own way?

And if you’ve kept separate finances for decades, what would make you start combining things then?

I’ve also seen problematic power dynamics pop up when couples keep separate finances when one spouse decides to become a stay-at-home parent. Leaving the workforce to take care of your kids can be a great choice for your family and works really well when your money is combined. But if you have separate finances and decide to be a stay-at-home mom or dad, you’re going to be relying on your spouse to give you a personal spending “allowance”.

Want a surefire way to kill the romance in your marriage? Try to negotiate a personal spending raise from your spouse. Yuck.

In the short term, it can feel safest or easiest to keep your finances separate. But as you can see, there are a number of issues that can arise over time that you should think through in advance.

3. It is impossible to merge all of your finances after marriage

On the flip side, it’s worth remembering that even if you want to combine literally all over your accounts…

You can’t.

Specifically, it’s impossible to combine any of your retirement accounts or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). You might decide to combine your checking accounts, credit cards (with some caveats that we discuss below), savings accounts, and non-retirement investment accounts, but even if you wanted to combine your retirement accounts, you can’t.

Your 401(k) or 403(b) is tied to your job. Even if you and your spouse work at the same job, you’ll each have separate 401(k)s.

Have a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA? The “I” in “IRA” literally stands for “Individual”. There’s a reason you’ve never seen a Roth JRA – you can’t have a joint retirement account.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t steps to take with your 401(k)s and your IRAs when you get married. In fact, it’s the opposite – I recommend that everyone update the beneficiaries of their retirement accounts after they get married to make their spouse be the primary beneficiary of these accounts. That way, the accounts will go to your spouse if something were to happen to you.

But if you’re feeling pressure – from other people, from something inside you, or from your spouse – to combine all of your accounts, this idea should be somewhat reassuring to you.

It clearly is possible to succeed financially as a couple without literally combining all of your money… because nobody ever has. Every couple who has ever retired without getting divorced has found a way to manage their money without combining retirement accounts.

You can, too.

Which brings me to…

4. Combining goals is way, way more important than combining finances

What do you want your lives to look like as a married couple ten, twenty, fifty years from now?

I always like to start decisions about how to merge finances after marriage with your vision for the future as a couple.

Forget for a second about where your money is today – where do we want your money to take you in the future?

Then, what specific goals can you set to help make this shared vision a reality?

I find that most couples have similar visions and goals for their future. It’s one of the things that makes a couple a good long-term pair in the first place!

(And if you’re in disagreement about what your big life goals should be – you should address these differences first, before you start to worry about how to merge finances after marriage).

Once you’re in alignment on what these goals should be, then shift gears to discuss what you want your bank and investment account structure to look like to give you the easiest, clearest path to achieving these goals. Combining accounts is part of this discussion, but you should also consider the types of accounts you’re opening, whether you want to have one or more accounts to help you fund each goal, and so on.

The reality is that in many cases, combining (at least some) accounts will make tracking and achieving your goals easier and clearer. But it can be much easier to make this decision when you’re focusing on what you want your money to achieve for you rather than where it is today.

I have a few exercises on how to work with your spouse to get really clear on what you want this future vision for your lives to look like in my book, Marriage-Centered Money. You can pick up a copy for 50% off using this link.

5. Don’t assume that keeping your accounts separate will keep them safe

In a world where money is one of the primary causes of divorce, it can sometimes feel safer not to combine finances with your spouse. I’ve talked to dozens of couples over the past seven years who cite (perceived) legal benefits as a primary reason they were hesitant to combine any of their finances. Often, they’ll say something like “If we end up getting divorced, I’ll have all of my money separate to use to rebuild my life, so I feel safer keeping things separate.”

But in most states, this feeling of safety is an illusion.

Keeping financial accounts separate will typically not legally protect you in the event of a divorce unless you have a pre-nup (or post-nup). The idea that you automatically get to keep your separate accounts if you split up is a myth.

Most states require that assets be divided fairly between spouses in the event of a divorce, and this includes separate accounts.

And for a handful of states that are classified as community property states, everything you acquired during the marriage (including the separate income that goes into your separate accounts) will be treated as shared property that belongs to both of you. The starting balance of your accounts at the time of marriage might be considered your separate property, but any income or savings beyond this point is typically treated as joint property. (As of this writing, the community property states are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.)

Whether your accounts are joint or individual, the state will require you to divide your assets according to its specified framework. Keeping your money separate won’t necessarily give you legal protection.

Rules vary by state, and if this is a concern for you, I suggest you meet with an estate planning attorney to develop a customized strategy based on the laws in your state.

6. Some accounts are easier to merge than others

I don’t necessarily mean that some accounts are easier to combine logistically than others. But in my experience talking to couples who have some reservations about how to merge finances after marriage, I’ve found that certain types of accounts can be easier for couples to decide to merge or keep separate than others.

And once again, which accounts are easier to merge versus which accounts are harder to combine can vary based on your unique money habits, attitudes, and values as a couple.

For example: I often meet with couples who are hesitant to combine checking accounts because they regularly fight about spending and saving, and they are concerned that combining accounts will shine a spotlight on these differences. (They’re right about that, by the way… unless they also put in the work to figure out how to manage a spending and savings plan that works for both of them. You can learn more about this in my book, Marriage-Centered Money.)

But, these couples are often more than willing to combine their savings accounts and their emergency funds. They’re working toward shared savings goals, after all; their hesitation about combining accounts has more to do with triggering day-to-day money fights than it does with being willing to share an emergency fund.

In cases like this, I usually recommend that couples start by combining savings accounts, and holding off on the discussion about whether they should combine checking accounts until they do the legwork needed to get them on the same page about handling their savings and spending differences.

For some couples, the exact opposite scenario is true.

For example, I worked with a couple last year where the wife (let’s call her Lisa – named changed for privacy reasons) was unwilling to combine or merge any of her financial accounts when we started working together.

After asking Lisa a few questions to try to understand her specific concerns about combining, she told me that her best friend had recently gone through a nasty divorce where the husband drained their shared bank accounts on his way out the door. (She was able to get her portion of the money back eventually, but it took time).

In the course of our conversation, Lisa realized that it wasn’t that she wasn’t willing to combine any of their finances. About 20 minutes into the conversation, she told us, “If I could just keep a $20,000 emergency fund in a separate savings account, just in case, I’d be willing to combine everything else.” Her husband agreed; they decided to keep separate emergency funds, and combine everything else. By honoring the fear that Lisa had after watching her friend struggle with her divorce, they were able to move forward and combine almost all of their finances.

(These sorts of conversations can be difficult to have, and I credit Lisa’s husband for not getting defensive at her desire to have a separate emergency fund. He recognized that Lisa’s concern was driven by her friend’s experience, not by anything to do with him. But, having this sort of awareness isn’t always easy in the heat of the moment. If you’d like help having these sorts of tough financial conversations with your partner, you can book a free breakthrough session with me at your convenience.)

There aren’t necessarily right or wrong answers about what’s easiest or hardest to combine after marriage. But if, after some reflection and discussion, you agree that certain accounts feel better to combine than others, know that this is completely normal. Don’t let black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking hold you back; combine what you’re ready to combine, and keep working on the rest.

7. Be careful and intentional when merging credit cards after marriage

Up until this point, our discussion has primarily been focused on bank accounts and investment accounts. And while many of the principles we’ve already discussed apply to credit cards as well, there are a few unique things to consider when getting joint credit cards (or adding your spouse to an existing credit card).

Don’t close individual credit cards in most circumstances. If you decide to get new joint credit cards with your spouse, it can be tempting to close out your old individual credit cards.

But doing so can negatively impact your credit score. Unless your old credit card has an annual fee, I recommend keeping the old card active.

Your credit score is based on a number of factors, three of which being the average age of your credit accounts, the age of your oldest credit account, and your credit utilization (how much of your available credit balance you are using).

Closing old credit cards can negatively impact all three of these areas.

In this scenario, it’s fine to open new joint credit cards or add your spouse as an authorized user to your credit card – but you should keep your old credit cards open.

Don’t make big changes to your credit cards right before you buy a house. In general, having more available credit – and not using it – will increase your credit score in the long run. In this context, opening a new joint credit card can be a good long-term play (as long as it doesn’t lead you to overextend yourself financially, of course!)

But making changes to your credit often involves taking a step back before you take three or four steps forward. Applying for too much new credit right before you take out a big loan can lead to higher interest rates on the loan.

Even if you want to combine all of your finances, it’s not worth doing so right before you apply for a mortgage if adding new credit cards will cause a short term drop in your credit score. Instead, wait until after you take out the mortgage to make these changes.

Be aware of transparency issues with credit cards. Finally, a warning: one of the biggest issues I hear about from couples who have individual credit cards has to do with a lack of transparency or clarity around the accounts.

It can be challenging to manage your finances together if you can’t easily see the full picture of what’s going on. (This can certainly be a challenge with separate bank accounts as well, but I most commonly hear from couples about this being a challenge with credit cards).

If you decide to keep some or all of your credit cards separate – even if it’s only for a short period of time – I recommend using a financial dashboard or account aggregator so that each of you can see your full financial position at all times.

8. Your account structure should make it as easy as possible to track your progress

Whatever you decide is best for your family in how to merge finances after marriage, you should set up your accounts so that you can very easily measure your current progress.

I recommend that couples have (at least) one account for every big financial goal they have. Each goal should have a separate pool of money associated with it.

I also don’t recommend commingling accounts between goals. If you have your emergency fund, your travel fund, your house down payment savings, and your new car fund all in one savings account, it can be hard to see if you’re on track to achieve these goals (and it can be tempting to “steal” from your emergency fund to fund the other goals!)

It might feel like overkill to have separate pools of money for your separate goals, but it makes it much easier to see your progress over time.

9. These days, most couples end up on separate health insurance plans

I wrote a very detailed guide on whether couples should be on the same health insurance plan way back in November 2017, and all of the factors in this article still apply.

One thing that has changed since this article was released, though, is that I’ve noticed that for many couples, it’s actually a lot more expensive to combine health insurance plans than it used to be.

You should always check the numbers for each of your insurance plans to compare the total costs of being on each of your current plans versus staying on separate plans (or let me do it for you!) And, of course, the cost per paycheck is only one of the relevant factors to consider, as my previous article mentions.

But the trend of late is that employers will often subsidize a decent chunk of your own health insurance… but they often don’t extend the same courtesy to your spouse. I’ve seen cases where it would cost a couple three or four times the amount to be on the same health insurance than if they were on separate policies.

There are plenty of exceptions to this, so it’s important to double check. And even if it is much more expensive for you to be on the same insurance plan, there can be good reasons to do so (if one of you is self-employed, if one of you has terrible health insurance options to choose from, if one of you is out of the workforce, and so on).

But if you’re reviewing your options to merge health insurance and notice that the cost of doing so is way higher than you would expect it to be – know that you’re not alone. I’ve seen a ton of couples over the past several years decide to combine all of their finances except for their health insurance for this very reason.

Making the decision on how to merge finances after marriage is only half the battle

Once you decide on your strategy as a couple, be sure to follow through on the implementation of your plan.

Part of my job as a financial planner is to help couples follow through on their best intentions. Once you decide how you want to merge finances with your spouse, be sure to take the time to fully implement your strategy.

And once you have the financial architecture in place, it becomes even more important to have a proactive communication strategy in place to prevent money fights and make sure you each are fully in the loop on how things are going.

If you need help with any of these items, you can book a free breakthrough session with me whenever you’re ready.

Money and Marriage Problems: What the Statistics Don’t Tell You

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Money and Marriage Problems: What the Statistics Don't Tell You

Data and statistics are the bedrock of any good financial plan. 

I’ve always been a math nerd at heart – it’s why I became a financial planner in the first place. But as the years have gone by, I’ve seen time and time again that data and statistics only get you so far. It can be easy to get so bogged down with data and spreadsheets that you lose sight of the most important pieces of your financial plan – or even use data to draw the wrong conclusions.

Some of the ways that the media, academics, and financial planners talk about money and marriage statistics are really good. Surveys and statistics can highlight really important issues and call peoples’ attention to warning signs before they become a huge problem.

 But in the world of clickbait journalism, Instagram Reels, and sound-byte media, I often see statistics about money and marriage problems used in misleading ways or, more commonly, shared without highlighting important nuances. These sorts of omissions can cause people to draw the wrong conclusions and make financial mistakes… which often make the underlying problems worse.

 Below, I highlight four of the most common financial questions and issues that couples face and reference several statistics and academic research findings that I often see cited in each of these areas.

Unfortunately, I often see people draw false or incomplete conclusions from these data points. As a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Financial Therapist-I Practitioner who specializes in helping couples get on the same financial page, my hope is that by adding some context based on what I’ve seen work for hundreds of couples, you and your spouse will be able to avoid common missteps.

(If you’d prefer to listen to this article, you can get a podcast version of this post here: Money and Marriage Podcast Episode 129 – Money and Marriage Problems: What the Statistics Don’t Tell You)

Combining Bank Accounts Leads to Better Marriages?

For the past several decades, guidance for couples on whether they should combine their bank accounts after they get married has been muddled, at best. You can find money gurus out there who will tell you that you always need to combine 100% of your finances after you get married, and you can find equally respected gurus who will tell you never to combine any of your money with your spouse.

Which is why this Indiana University study published in 2023 caught my eye.

They studied hundreds of couples over a two-year period, and told half of them they needed to combine all of their bank accounts, and the other half that they couldn’t combine any accounts.

At the end of the two-year period, they found that the couples who combined bank accounts had stronger marriages, fewer money fights, and more confidence in their financial situation than couples who didn’t combine.

What’s even more striking is that they found that this relationship was causal – the act of combining accounts caused couples to be happier and more successful.

When this research was published, the common consensus in the financial media was the obvious one: couples should clearly combine all of their accounts, since doing so strengthens marriages.

What’s the problem with this conclusion?

It ignores one key component of the study: every couple who participated in the study was willing to be told that they needed to combine accounts… and were willing to do what they were told.

In the real world, this isn’t always the case. And if you try to compel someone to combine accounts who has concerns about doing so without addressing these underlying concerns… this isn’t a recipe for success.

When I coach couples through the decision to combine or not combine their accounts in my marriage-centered financial planning process, I always start by trying to understand the reasons why someone might not be interested or willing to combine accounts. Once we explore these reasons, we can pick the account structure for you based on your specific tendencies as a couple.

This almost always involves combining some accounts. But at the end of the day, it’s more important to address the underlying concerns related to this decision and to make sure you’re working together financially. If you’d like help with having these conversations, I encourage you to schedule a free breakthrough session with me.

Marriages aren’t defined by whether your Bank of America account has one or two peoples’ names on it – they’re defined by how you communicate about tough and important topics like money.

The Impact of Debt on Marriages

It probably comes as no surprise that debt is arguably the most common source of financial disunity within marriages based on the hundreds of couples I’ve talked to over the years. And the statistics back this up.

A 2023 survey by Suntrust Bank found that three in five Americans have considered postponing marriage to avoid inheriting a partner’s debt. And once you’re married, the data isn’t much better; the same survey found that 54% of people believe that having a partner in debt could be a reason for a divorce.

Having seen couples in a myriad of financial situations figure out how to handle debt as a family in a way that doesn’t lead to divorce, I can say that a) these statistics don’t surprise me, and b) I wish that they survey had asked a few follow-up questions to give the data a little more nuance.

In my experience, engaged and newlywed couples with debt – particularly if one spouse has most or all of the debt – focus too much on whose name the debt is in and who makes the payments on the debt, rather than the impact the debt will have on your future.

If your partner has a lot of debt, the “easy” answer in the short term is to say that your spouse’s debt is their own problem to deal with . . . but the problem is that their debt will have an impact on you. Even if you’re not the one paying down the debt yourself, your quality of life as a family will be impacted by your spouse making debt payments.

Maybe the impact is more in the short term – your spouse might not be able to cover “their share” of living expenses or go on vacation. In other cases, the impact is more long-term; if your spouse is struggling with debt for years, it is likely to impact your retirement goals.

If you have a healthy and otherwise happy relationship, this shouldn’t be a deal breaker (as long as your spouse is taking their debt seriously and making a good-faith effort to deal with it).

The faster you can come to terms with the idea that your spouse’s debt will impact you one way or the other, the easier it can be to find a solution for how to handle your debt that makes achieving your family’s goals as easy as possible.

The statistics show that debt has a hugely negative impact on marriages, and this is undeniably true in most cases. But, it doesn’t need to be – if you’re able to get on the same page with handling debt and implementing a plan together. If you want help getting this conversation started, you can book a free breakthrough session with me at any time.

Financial Infidelity: More Common Than You Might Expect

Usually, we use the word “infidelity” when discussing someone who cheats on their significant other, whether that be physically or emotionally. Financial infidelity doesn’t literally involve cheating, but it involves the same sense of secrecy.

Financial infidelity involves engaging in any financial behavior that is expected to be disapproved of by one’s romantic partner and intentionally failing to disclose this behavior to them.

The secrecy involved with financial infidelity can be incredibly detrimental to marriages in the long run – particularly if the issue isn’t corrected. And unfortunately, the data shows that financial infidelity is more common than you might expect.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2018, subsequently published in the Journal of Financial Therapy, found that 27% of people admitted to keeping a financial secret from their partner, and 53% of people reported behaviors associated with financial infidelity.

Here’s the interesting thing about these two statistics: they indicate a certain degree of denial about being in financial infidelity.

To paraphrase the results, when survey respondents were given a list of acts of financial infidelity and asked if they had ever done one or more of them, 53% of people said “yes”. But when asked if they had actually committed financial infidelity, only 27% of people said yes.

Simply put, about half of the people who are engaging in acts of financial secrecy actually realize that it’s a problem. Financial infidelity has gotten more publicity over the past few years but I don’t see enough people highlighting this disparity.

It doesn’t help you to know that financial infidelity can lead to problems in your marriage if you don’t know how to identify whether you’re actually engaging in financial infidelity behaviors!

My biggest advice to help you discern whether these patterns are challenges in your own family: consider the degree to which secrecy plays a role. Periodically buying a lottery ticket or betting on a sports game isn’t necessarily a problem if it’s not an addiction and if everyone knows that it’s going on. But if you’re intentionally hiding gambling from your partner… that’s a different story.

Money Fights Are Common Sources of Marital Stress… But They Aren’t Inevitable

There are no shortage of data points that suggest that money can be a toxic factor in marriages:

All of these statistics are true; money fights are common, pervasive, and harmful to marriages.

What drives me crazy about the way we talk about this, though, is that it can cause people to treat money as an inevitably bad thing for your marriage. And that simply isn’t true.

The data doesn’t lie – money is a huge source of stress, arguments, and disunion in marriages. But it doesn’t have to inevitably be this way.

It’s easy to look at the research about how money impacts marriages and start drawing false conclusions. “If money is something that so many couples fight about, maybe it’s best if we don’t talk about it at all.” “If managing money together causes couples to fight about money, maybe it’s easiest if we stick to what we know and keep our finances separate.”

Here’s the thing, though: the opposite is true, too.

Money can be a bad thing for your marriage if you don’t work on it together. But if you can learn how to get on the same financial page and manage money effectively with your partner, you won’t just have better financial outcomes (although you likely will have better financial outcomes!)

You’ll strengthen your marriage as well.

(My book, Marriage-Centered Money: Get on the Same Financial Page and Achieve Your Life Goals Together, gives you the step-by-step playbook to help you make this a reality! Use this link to buy the book for 50% off its listed Amazon price!)

Money Can Either Weaken or Strengthen Your Relationship. You Get to Choose Which. 

Every couple has their own unique money histories, perspectives, attitudes, and values. Data and research about best practices in the field of money and marriage can provide a helpful perspective to guide your financial decision-making as a couple… but it’s important to apply these data points in the correct context.

By implementing a financial game plan for your family that both considers key research and data and specifically tailors these best practices to your family’s situation, you are much, much more likely to use your money to create the lives you love – together.

And if you ever need help getting started, you can book a free breakthrough session with me to help you get on the same financial page.

The Biggest Mistake Most Couples Make With Their Money – Money and Marriage Podcast #6

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There’s a key step to managing your money effectively that most couples overlook. In this popular episode of the Money and Marriage Podcast, you will learn what this mistake is, why it’s so critical, and how to avoid making this mistake in your family.

If you want more help implementing the lessons from this podcast episode, I’ve prepared a free training to guide you through my favorite exercise related to this podcast episode, which you can access here.

Full Episode Transcript

I want to invite you to close your eyes for a second and imagine your favorite company in the world.

What’s a company whose products or services you just can’t imagine living without?

Now for me, I can’t imagine a world where my day doesn’t start with Dunkin Donuts coffee. I might be a DC resident at heart, but I grew up in Massachusetts… And those roots run deep. I love me some Dunkin coffee.

But enough about me, let’s go to you. I want you to pretend – Whatever company it is that you can’t imagine a world without their stuff, imagine that you are in charge of making financial decisions at that company.

Your employees come to you as the person in charge of making financial decisions with two different product ideas to invest the company’s money in. Both of them are great ideas. They’re potentially good investments. You can expect that they could do well in the marketplace, but you only have the funds available to do one of them. You can only choose one of these two investment options.

How do you decide how to allocate your resources? How do you make that decision on which of these two new services or products to invest the company’s money in?

There are some different answers you could potentially give to that question. But in my view, the correct way to make that decision is by reminding yourself what the company’s all about in the first place. By focusing on what your company is known for, what they’re best at what their competitive edge is, right?

What’s the most important thing to the company? Which of the two options best aligns with that. That’s where you’re gonna invest the resources, right? When your values are clear, the decision becomes easy.

Now for a company, what this would mean is going back to the company’s mission statement. What is the company’s mission? That right there should make the investment decision crystal clear.

Quickly going back to my Dunkin Donuts example, I’m gonna give you Dunkin’s mission statement, as of this recording, right now. It’s a couple of sentences long, but pay attention to the words that they choose to include in this mission statement.

Here it is: “From coffee beans to jelly filling, Everything we do is about you. From chefs who create exciting new flavors, to crew members who know exactly how you want your drink—we prioritize what you need to get you on your way. We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your tastes and your time. That’s what America runs on.”

When you think about Dunkin, they’re all about providing a consistent product, efficiently, so you can get where you need to go. They don’t want you spending all day sitting in a Dunkin store doing your work. That’s not who Dunkin is. They could be, but that’s what they’re not choosing to be. They want you to come in, get what you need and go about your business and get on your way. Right?

So if you’re the head of Dunkin Donuts, and you need to figure out what new products or services to offer, you choose the option that’s in line with those values, right? Anything else is the wrong option for them.

Now compare this to their biggest competitor, Starbucks. When you go into a Starbucks, think about it. Think about the last time you walked into a Starbucks. There’s a heavy emphasis on the experience you have while you’re there, from the overall ambiance, and the lighting, and the music, to the customized, fancy drink orders, to the weird, I would say, names that they have for their drink sizes. Nothing is generic there, right? The Starbucks experience is very distinctive – from the table settings to the different snacks that they offer, right? Everything.

Starbucks is all about the experience. It’s not about efficiency at all. You have to wait in a couple of lines. You need to wait to get your order. They’re all about the experience. And of course, all of that, as you might imagine, is in line with their company mission statement, right?

Their mission statement is shorter. I’ll read it to you here: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit. One person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”

You might have noticed this looks nothing like Dunkin’s mission statement. <laugh> And what that means is that the “right” new product idea for Starbucks should look very different than the “right” new product idea for Dunkin. If you’re the head of each of those companies, making financial decisions for them, the ideas and the things that you offer should look very different.

But the only way you know which product to choose if you’re in that role is because the companies took the time to articulate what’s most important to them, what they stand for, and who they are in the form of a company mission statement.

Now I’ve talked through this example a few times over the years, and I always title this lesson “The Biggest Mistake Most Couples Make With Their Money”. And after having spent five minutes talking through company mission statements, Dunkin Donuts, and Starbucks, you might be wondering, what in the world does this have to do with the biggest financial mistake that couples tend to make?

I’ll answer that question for you by asking you another question in return: What’s your family’s mission statement or vision statement? What does that look like for you?

We’ve talked about how Dunkin and Starbucks make their financial decisions. It’s not just about the numbers or the potential ROI, right? Those things matter. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is prioritizing the things that are most important to them and most in line with that, right?

You need to do the same thing with your household finances, but that’s difficult because you can’t do that and prioritize those most important things until you actually identify what those things are in the first place.

So let me ask you: When was the last time, if ever, that you took some time as a family to clearly identify what’s most important to you and your partner? Have you ever spent 20 or 30 minutes defining what “financial success” looks like for your family?

Now, if you have, that’s awesome. You’re one of the rare few who have.

If not, now’s the time to do so. This is the most important step to making good financial decisions as a family that you can take. And it’s the one that almost everybody overlooks.

We immediately get into questions like “Where should I put my money?” “How should I be allocating my resources?” “How can I get the best return on my investments?” But we do so without figuring out why it is you’re investing in the first place.

The right financial decision for you and your spouse is the exact wrong decision for a lot of other couples out there. Over the years, I’ve seen couples make the wrong career moves, buy the wrong house, invest in the wrong type of accounts, and settle down in the wrong part of the country. The list of mistakes goes on and on. And almost always, when we run into those types of dilemmas, the thing that’s missing in the decision-making process is that mission or vision statement, knowing what it is they’re trying to work toward in the first place.

I’ve created a resource for you to help you create your family mission statement on your own. If you head to you can get access to my favorite training that I give to folks to help you develop your family mission statement on your own. But whether you do that or go about this another way, you need to implement this in your life. You need to know what it is you’re working toward because when you do, when you are able to articulate what that vision is, your decisions become a lot easier.

And in the meantime, I invite you to go check out your favorite company. That company I asked you to think of at the beginning of this podcast – go look up their mission statement, see what they have to say about what’s most important to them and think about the types of products and services that they offer and how that aligns with it.

And then go ahead and do the same in your family.

The Future of Roth IRAs

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If you’ve ever spent any time on a personal finance blog, you’ve likely come across one, or two, or twelve articles comparing the Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.  (If you haven’t, congratulations on finding more interesting things to read about!)  At the time of this posting, for example, a Google search for “traditional vs Roth IRA” yields approximately 94,600 articles.

So rather than walk through the usual IRA material (although we do provide a quick summary to get you up to speed), in this post I wanted to discuss future potential changes to the tax treatment of Roth IRAs.  Over the years, I’ve had several people raise concerns about contributing to Roth IRA accounts, fearing that the “tax free” treatment of the accounts may be taken away in the future.

Long story short, I think it’s unlikely that Roth IRAs will be taxed in the future, and it shouldn’t stop you from contributing to one today.  While it’s certainly possible that some of the details will change over time, Congress has very little incentive to change the tax treatment of these accounts.

What is a Roth IRA, exactly?

I know the legal and tax structures of retirement accounts isn’t the most fascinating topic (at least for some of us!), so I’ll keep this short and sweet.  If you’re looking to save for retirement outside of your 401(k),  you have two account options to choose from: a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA.  What’s the difference between the two?

  • When you pay tax on your savings-  all retirement accounts have some tax advantages built into them, but you need to know how the taxes work to make the best choice.  With a traditional IRA, you receive tax advantages in the beginning; the money you contribute to the Traditional IRA isn’t taxed this year, and it grows tax-deferred in the account until you retire.  But, since you didn’t pay taxes on the money now, you’ll pay income tax on all the money you withdraw from the IRA when you retire.  Roth IRAs have the exact opposite tax advantages; you pay income tax on the money you contribute to the account now, but the growth and withdrawal of money in the account is tax free when you retire.
  • Income limits- There are a few restrictions placed on both types of accounts.
    • If you make “too much money”, you can’t directly contribute to a Roth IRA.  The IRS website is the best place for a complete list of details on these limits (and the other bullet points on these lists), but as a starting point, your ability to contribute to a Roth IRA in 2018 starts to phase out when your income exceeds $122,000 for single taxpayers and $193,000 for married (filing jointly) taxpayers.
    • This limitation isn’t in place for Traditional IRAs, but your ability to deduct your contribution may be reduced or eliminated if you or your spouse have a 401(k) (or similar) plan at work.  Again, you can refer to the IRS website for the complete set of details.
  • Flexibility– The Roth IRA is a more “flexible” account to work with than the Traditional IRA.  For example, while most early withdrawals from a Traditional IRA are taxed and penalized, you can withdraw your contributions (as opposed to the investment earnings) of your Roth IRA without penalty.
How to Decide if You Would Be Better Off With Roth

When deciding between these two types of accounts, the main driver of your decision should be based on your tax rate.  Simply put: if your tax rate now is higher than you expect your tax rate to be when you retire, a Traditional IRA is probably the right choice for you.  Take the tax deduction now while your rate is high, and pay taxes at the lower rate when you retire.

On the contrary, if your tax rate is relatively low right now, paying taxes right now and getting the tax free income in retirement is likely the better deal for you.  This makes the Roth IRA a particularly compelling choice.

Remember, though, it’s not enough just to look at today’s tax rates to make this decision.  You need to think through how you expect the tax rates themselves to change over time.  Just because you expect to have lower income when you retire than you do now doesn’t mean that your overall tax bill will be lower if Congress raises the tax rates over the next few decades.

Ultimately, this is a decision you need to make based on your overall financial situation.  But in my view, given that tax rates are at historically low levels right now, I think it’s likely that tax rates will rise between now and when we retire, making Roth IRAs a good deal for most low- to middle-income millennials.  (Keep in mind, though, that I don’t think the same way that Congress does – thankfully! – so this is purely my opinion, and not a specific recommendation.)

Will Congress Kill the Roth IRA?

Roth IRAs are fairly popular (as far as financial topics go…) with people in our generation.  Nevertheless, I often get questions about whether or not the Roth IRA will actually be tax free several decades from now when we retire.  Will Congress really honor the promise of the Roth IRA?

In my opinion, yes, they will.  I completely understand the concern that the Roth IRA may be taxed in the future, but I think it’s highly unlikely. Here’s a few reasons why:

Politically, it would be extremely difficult. The people who would be affected the most by a tax on Roth IRAs are the elderly and the retired, who also happen to statistically be the most dedicated voters in this country.  There’s a reason that proposed changes to Social Security and Medicare almost always fail; retirees vote, a lot.  The AARP is one of the most well-organized lobbying groups in the country, and any law change that negatively affects retirees will be met with strong resistance.  Simply put, this isn’t a winning issue for Congress to take up. 

Congressional math is silly.  I probably shouldn’t pick on Congress as much as I do in this post… but they just make it so easy.  Because here’s the thing: the way Congressional legislation is reviewed, taking away the tax benefits of Roth IRAs will actually decrease the amount of taxes collected.

Intuitively, this doesn’t make sense.  Why would taxing a tax-free account decrease tax revenue?  Because of the system that Congress uses to evaluate budget bills.  The Congressional Budget Office uses a 10 year future projection to evaluate the tax impact of the bills it passes.  And in a relatively short time period like ten years, eliminating the Roth IRA would decrease the amount of tax revenue the government collects for two reasons:

  • People don’t take a lot of money out of Roth IRAs every year, so the overall projected tax increase is relatively small.
  • On the other hand, a lot of people contribute to Roth IRAs today… and remember, you’re taxed on the income that you put into a Roth IRA.  If Roth IRAs are eliminated, this savings will be redirected to tax-deferred accounts like the Traditional IRA or 401(k), which will decrease the amount of taxes the government collects now.

Over the long run, eliminating the Roth IRA would increase the amount the government collects in taxes.  But, Congress only evaluates the effects of tax legislation on a ten year time horizon… which means that if they were to pass a bill eliminating the Roth IRA, they’d be passing a tax cut bill, not a tax increase.

Silly?  Absolutely. Good for the Roth IRA?  Yes.

It is much easier to use Roth IRAs now than it ever has been before. Not only has Congress not made moves to eliminate the Roth IRA, they’ve technically made it easier to contribute to a Roth IRA.  Indeed, over the past several years, Congress has passed legislation allowing you to “convert” your traditional IRA into a Roth IRA, potentially allowing people over the income limits mentioned above to contribute to a Roth IRA indirectly.  This is a good strategy for certain individuals, but it’s a complicated process that shouldn’t be attempted without consulting a financial planner or tax professional.  But, it goes to show that Congress isn’t making it harder for you to access a Roth.  On the contrary, it’s easier now than ever before.

If we look at all of these factors, it becomes pretty clear that taxation on Roth IRAs is not a likely scenario in the near future. If you think a Roth IRA is the right choice for you, don’t let fear of future tax law changes hold you back.

Planning For the Future

That being said, there are a few different possibilities of legislation that could feasibly happen in the coming years affecting Roth IRAs, but none of them are reason enough to deter you from using the accounts.

The first possibility is the implementation of some sort of required distributions on Roth accounts in the future. Under the current tax law, you need to start taking distributions from a Traditional IRA when you turn 70.5 years old (because making it an even “70 years old” would have made too much sense…), but you don’t currently need to do this with a Roth IRA.  It wouldn’t surprise me if Congress implemented mandatory distributions from Roth IRAs at some point in the future… but that’s not a reason to not contribute to one.  

Another possibility is for Congress to implement a maximum amount of money that can be held in a Roth IRA. By restricting the amount that can be held in a Roth IRA, the government could prevent you from contributing to a Roth IRA in the future… but as I mentioned before, Congress doesn’t have a strong incentive to do so.  And again, this isn’t a reason to avoid contributing to a Roth IRA today.

Making a Contribution

Once you decide which account to use, it’s time to put money into your IRA of choice.  And if you happen to be reading this article between January 1 and April 15th of any given year, you have an additional choice to make.

Currently, there are caps on how much money you can put into IRA accounts – both traditional and Roth – each year. These caps were relatively steady for a few years, but there’s been an increase from 2018 to 2019; last year you could put $5,500 per year into an IRA, and now you can put $6,000 starting in 2019.  (Once you turn 50, you can add an extra $1,000 to your IRA each year).

But, you have until Tax Day (April 15th, or the next business day if it falls on a weekend) to make your contribution for the prior year.  So, as I mentioned, if you are reading this article at the beginning of the year, know that it isn’t too late to make an IRA (Traditional or Roth) contribution for last year!

If you want help figuring out which type of IRA is right for you, or need retirement savings advice in general, don’t hesitate to reach out! I would love to set up a free introductory phone call with you to walk you through what you need to know.

Solving the Millennial Retirement Savings Challenge

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Last week was a big week in the financial world — America Saves Week! From February 25th through March 2nd, the finance community came together to help impact the lives of Americans through motivating, encouraging, and supporting them to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth (particularly through automated savings).

Now, there is an important distinction to make here; “saving money” doesn’t just mean adding money to your bank account, it means paying down debt as well. When working with clients, there are two main metrics I like to focus on:

  • The first is Net Worth. This is the concept of how much money, investments, and “stuff” you have, minus how much debt you owe. As you grow through life, this number should continue to increase every year, which can be achieved by either saving money or paying down debt.
  • The second, and more relevant metric is a little bit harder to describe and calculate.  To boil it down, it essentially summarizes “What is the likelihood you will be able to retire at a decent retirement age and not run out of money?”  There are a lot of factors to consider when running this sort of calculation; I use advanced statistical software to run this type of projection.

I want to talk about both of these metrics in this post.  Because while many millennials are doing a good job saving in general – either by adding to their bank accounts or paying down debt,  statistics show that many of us are “behind” when it comes to retirement savings.  

Why Retirement Will Be a Challenge for Many of Us

Currently, we are saving significantly less for retirement than previous generations did, for several reasons:

  • Student loan payments. Many millennials are directing their would-be retirement savings to pay off student loans in a way that our parents and grandparents did not have to do.
  • Rising cost of housing. When our parents and grandparents were our age, buying a house was much more affordable. For a typical family, the cost of a home was only around 2 times their average annual salary. In today’s economy, purchasing a home on average costs about 4 times their average annual salary — and that is not even considering that most of today’s jobs are in large cities, where the cost of housing is even higher.
  • Lower company retirement benefits. Most of our grandparents had pensions through their jobs. Some of our parents even did too. Because of the rise in independent contractors and the gig economy, it is becoming harder and harder to come by solid retirement benefits — even 401(k)s are harder to come by than they used to be. Average employer contributions have fallen, too, which is putting more pressure on the individual to save on their own.
  • Relatively flat wage growth since the financial crisis. Since around 2008, there has been very little wage growth across the country, meaning that while prices have gone up, our incomes haven’t necessarily. We have less spendable money than previous generations, making it harder to allocate a significant portion of it to retirement savings
  • Social Security and Medicare are expected to cut benefits in 15-20 years. Having these programs to fall back on when we retire might not even be a possibility for a lot of millennials. If these programs are cut, it will mean that much more pressure is put on the individual to completely financially support themselves through retirement.

Simply put, we face a greater set of challenges in preparing for retirement than our parents and grandparents.  Which means that unless we prepare accordingly, we will either need to delay retirement or partially sacrifice one of the most beneficial strategies we can use to help save for retirement…

Compound Interest

 Compound interest is often described as “magic” or “a miracle” for people trying to save up money over time. The idea that the we can keep our money invested — and the return will exponentially increase over time — is a very appealing one to investors of any age. Consider the graph below.  If this year we invest $1,000 at an 8% rate of return, next year we will have $1,080, in 10 years we’ll have $2,200, in 20 years we’ll have $4,600, but in 40 we see this number grow all the way to $22,000. In the simplest of terms, earnings go from $0.80 in the first year, to $1,750 in the 40th year (that’s a pretty significant increase!).

This looks amazing — and it is! — but there is one key takeaway you should note — you need to keep your money invested and untouched for a very long time to see the “magic” of compounding happen.  Compound interest is a beautiful thing, but we lose most of the benefit if we don’t start investing early enough.

(And, of course, the chart above assumes a constant, consistent 8% investment return each and every year.  While the long-term annual return in the stock market is around 8%, we know that it can vary drastically from year to year!)

As we’ve already discussed, as a generation we are putting more and more money towards student loan payments and housing costs.  Which, in turn, means that less and less money is being put towards savings that will compound in retirement accounts and we begin to lose the impact of the compounding, making it harder for us to have enough money to retire at a “normal” age.

Retirement Shouldn’t Be Your Only Priority!

This isn’t entirely a bad thing.  One of the major criticisms I have of the financial planning industry is the degree to which we focus on retirement.  I started Pacesetter Planning back in 2016 because I believe that financial planning should be about more than just saving for retirement.  Short-term goals, such as buying a house, planning a career change, and paying down debt are important too!  The key is finding the right balance between your short- and long-term financial priorities.

Ultimately, you shouldn’t be putting all your money aside for retirement.  Too many people in this world work as hard as they can, in jobs that they hate, saving as much as they can for 40 years so they can “retire”… and then abruptly change everything about the way they life their lives. Instead, you should create your dream life right now so that you won’t be in a rush to retire in the first place!

Saving for retirement is important… but I’d rather have you create a fulfilling life, balancing your short- and long-term goals, and work in a job that gives you energy, doesn’t burn you out, and is something you won’t be in a rush to retire from.  But, of course, you will want to retire at some point… so how should you approach retirement savings if you feel “behind” in your long-term savings?

The Answer is Surprisingly Simple

To be prepared for retirement, the key is to continue to save more — even if you’re not directly saving for retirement.

Remember, paying down debt is an entirely valid form of saving, including your mortgage debt if you have it (although buying a house is NOT a way to save…more to come on that next week!).  So while you may not be doing a lot of “traditional” retirement saving at the moment, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t saving at all.

This brings up the question — How can short-term saving help you if the money isn’t going into retirement accounts? Well, there are two primary inputs into the calculation we use to determine how much you need to save for retirement, and short-term saving can have a big impact on one of them.

  1. How much do you have saved? This is pretty intuitive, and what we usually focus on. Once you have enough money in your retirement accounts, you can retire.  This input includes the amount of money you are currently saving for retirement, and how much you expect your cumulative savings to be worth by the time you retire.
  2. How much do you spend each year? The second component doesn’t have anything to do with savings at all… or at least, it doesn’t have anything to do with savings directly.  In order to know how much money you need to retire, we need to know how quickly you’re going to spend your money in retirement.   The more you spend, the more you’ll need to have saved for retirement.

The last sentence above hints at the key link between how your short-term savings and debt paydown can help you retire earlier.  The more you spend, the more you’ll need to have saved for retirement.

The problems holding our generation back from saving for retirement largely aren’t related to spending at all!  We’re saving… but the savings is being redirected elsewhere.  Which means that if you continue saving at the rate you’re saving, even as you pay off your student loans and accumulate enough money to make a down payment on a house, you’ll need less money set aside for retirement to begin with because your spending is low!

That’s worth repeating: If you lower your spending today, and build the habit of saving so that you continue to save once your loans are paid off, the less you will need to save for retirement in the first place. Saving money – even for short-term goals – helps you retire earlier because it decreases the amount of money you need to retire in the first place.

Think of retirement savings as filling a bucket with water. Over the course of your career, you’re putting money into your retirement savings “bucket”. When you retire, you start spending that money you’ve saved – for the sake of this metaphor, let’s say that when you retire, you poke a hole in the bottom of the bucket so water starts to leak out of your “retirement savings”. How quickly the water flows out of the bucket is critically important. If you spend a lot, you better make sure you have a TON of water in that bucket before you poke the hole in it, because the water is going to flow out of the bucket really quickly.

On the other hand, if you only poke a small hole in the bucket, the water inside will flow out of the bucket very slowly.  Which means that you don’t necessarily need a huge bucket of water to begin with!

If you want to spend a lot of money during retirement, you need to make sure you save enough to be able to retire comfortably.  The more you spend, the more important compound interest is to you. But if you keep your spending in check, the water will leak slower, meaning that the bucket has to be less full in the first place.

Big Idea: There is a “Double Benefit” When it Comes to Increasing How Much You Save:

Increasing your retirement savings will fill up the retirement savings “bucket” faster, which will certainly help you retire earlier.  But, filling the bucket is only half the equation.

If you’re spending less money, you’re slowing the the speed at which the water flows out of the bucket in the first place, which means that the water level does not need to be as high. If you are able to do both of these things, you can maximize your potential savings and have much more flexibility in when you can retire.

The key, though, is to be able to maintain this over time. Once you student loans have been paid off, redirect this type of saving to saving for something else. Even if you can’t save for retirement right now to fully benefit from the “magic” of compound interest, you can still put yourself in a great position to retire. By following these saving tips, and assessing what you would like retirement to look like for you — you can easily put yourself in the position to get where you want to be!

If you still have questions, or would like help walking through a savings plan, please contact me and we can set up a free introductory call!

Why You Shouldn’t Join a Multi Level Marketing Company (and What to Do Instead)

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Why Multi-Level Marketing Companies are the Wrong Choice for the Aspiring Entrepreneur

A lot of the topics I discuss on this site involve ways to effectively spend and allocate your money, whether that be though repaying student loan debts, choosing investments, or buying a new home. One thing that’s not talked about enough, though, is how to actually make more money. Increasing your income is arguably the most important factor in your “financial equation”, and one that is often minimized by many in the financial industry. Recently I’ve received a lot of questions about how to increase income, whether that be through your current career or starting a side hustle. One question stood out and brought up some points that may be important for you to consider:

“I’ve noticed some of my friends leaving their jobs to start selling makeup or skincare products for a well-known Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company.  I always thought these types of businesses were unreliable, but more and more people I know are joining them and they seem to be doing well. A friend has asked me to join her team…should I?”

Now, this may sound like an appealing offer — to be your own boss and make money on your own hours — BUT…

I would recommend staying far away from these MLM sales organizations. I completely support the entrepreneurial spirit, and wanting the work freedom these types of businesses claim to offer, but you’re much more likely to find success and fulfill that spirit in other ways. The best way, in my opinion? Get involved in or even create your own bona-fide startup!

What’s a Multi-Level Marketing Company?

Before going in to why I’m so pessimistic about these “businesses”, it’s important to talk about what exactly they are, because most people aren’t entirely sure. Unfortunately, the opportunities most companies depict couldn’t be further from the truth for the majority of their “business owners”; their business models make it hard to identify the full job responsibilities on the surface. To add to the confusion, this type of business goes by many names, including Multi-Level Marketing, Direct Selling, and Network Marketing. If you find a brand that identifies as any of these things, consider that your first warning sign.

What’s the difference between a “normal” company and an MLM?  In a “normal” company, the company makes its revenue (for the most part) in one way: by selling products or services to customers.  MLMs, though, are different. If you “build your business” by working for an MLM, you make money in two ways.  Some of your revenue comes from selling their products… but most of your income comes from recruiting salespeople to work below you. MLM companies are common in industries such as makeup and skincare, haircare, nutrition, and sometimes even insurance. (Fun fact — if you look back and some of my more controversial posts about the insurance industry, you will find some comments from one of the biggest MLM insurance companies out there.)

Before making the career change to an MLM, or any career change for that matter, you should be sure that you are fully prepared to do so. Just like any other transition to a new career, jumping in to join an MLM requires planning. You need to make sure you are financially ready for whatever may come with the change — because sometimes it can bring on more financial hardships than expected. If you are unsure how to do this, take a look at my free Quit Your Job guide, where I break down the steps on how to prepare and how to know when you’re ready to make the shift.

How Do I Know if a Company is an MLM?

With so many different business structures out there today, it can sometimes be difficult and confusing to identify which companies actually operate with an MLM business structure. If you see these things in a company, they are most likely an MLM:

Advertising opportunities to “be your own boss” or “work few hours but get big pay”. These types of companies love to highlight that their independent distribution structure means the distributors have huge freedom in when and how they work. While this may be true, using it as a selling point is slightly misleading; working few hours and earning big pay only comes for a small few in the company.

Their products are not sold in stores. Oftentimes the products these companies are selling are not available for purchase anywhere else, making them the sole distributor. Most of the time you will not even see these companies on Amazon, which is shocking in this digital age where so much of our shopping and purchasing is done online. These products are typically purchasable through distributors (yes, these are those people in your Facebook feed posting about buying the latest, most innovative nutrition supplement).

They don’t just want you as a customer; they want you to sell it as well.  This is probably the biggest giveaway of an MLM company. When those selling the product are asking you to join their team and sell as well, know that their motivation comes from the ladder structure I mentioned earlier. Any company where your ability to recruit new employees has an effect on your income is one you should probably avoid.

Here’s Why Joining an MLM is a Mistake

Now that we have a clearer image on what exactly this type of company looks like, let’s address why joining one might not be the right move.

These companies have a very dubious business model.  A business structured so that your earning potential stems from recruiting people to sell below you is not sustainable. The relevant regulators in the US haven’t come out and outright said that MLMs are pyramid schemes… but they’ve come very close to.  Additionally, these companies usually have a “minimum monthly spend” amount for their employees to maintain an inventory of the product. They must purchase a specified amount each month in order to stay eligible as a distributor. Any company worth working for will not force you to spend money to buy products each month.  And indeed, these spending requirements are one of the primary reasons that so many people drop out of MLM organizations after only a few months.

The economic rewards promised are highly unlikely. In fact, the majority of MLM workers actually lose money (oftentimes due to that pesky minimum monthly spend mentioned above). The median MLM distributor often only makes around $2,500 a year, rather than the big bucks these companies advertise.  And (not to give you horrible flashbacks to 10th grade math class), if the median employee only makes about $2,500 per year, that means that half of the distributors make less.  The people who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year are the 1% of the 1%, and usually got into the company very early. It’s highly unlikely to have the same success as you see in the testimonials on their sites.

Along with that, there are only a tiny percentage of people that stick it out long enough to even get to a point where that would be possible. 50% of people drop out of MLM businesses in the first year, and only 10% stay longer than 5 years. To put that in perspective, it’s been found that 50% of small businesses last 5 years or more; that is a significantly higher success rate, and is even more meaningful when considering the fact that small businesses often have a reputation of being hard to maintain in the first few years.

Don’t Quit on Your Entrepreneurial Goals… Just Don’t Join an MLM!

It is highly commendable to want to pursue a more do-it-yourself career, or position yourself in a job where you have flexibility and entrepreneurial abilities. If being your own boss appeals to you, do it, just don’t do it by selling makeup or overpriced energy drinks and by recruiting other salespeople to join you.

A little personal blurb…I had an experience recently at a networking event with an independent distributor for a major energy drink MLM. This woman was very knowledgeable not only on the product, but on health and wellness in general. She knew her stuff and had a lot of great ideas, but everything she said was brought back to the energy drink she wanted to sell. Eventually, I looked right at her and said “ This product really isn’t going to fix the problems you just identified. But, I’ll hire you on the spot, right now, to be my health and wellness coach”. She immediately shook her head, and continued to insist that taking XYZ product would solve my issues. I explained to her that I wasn’t interested in the company, I was interested in her, but she would not budge. Her final statements to me included “Well, why don’t you take a few samples and think it over.”

Here’s the thing. She had a lot of great health insights, and is someone I gladly would have worked with as a health/nutritional consultant, or even a personal trainer. How much would I have been willing to pay her for that kind of service? A lot more than what she would have gotten paid for the energy drinks. Probably 10 to 15 times more. But, she couldn’t see it. I told her, multiple times, that I’d pay her more to have a different type of work arrangement, but it didn’t go anywhere.

What’s the Point?

This situation highlights the fact that for every MLM out there, in any industry, there is a business you could start with an equivalent skillset. Looking into health and wellness? Become a nutritional coach or personal trainer. Want to work in makeup and skincare? Be a makeup artist or skincare consultant. From interior design to hairdressing, ultimately you can become a “consultant” in whatever industry it is you are looking into.  And while starting any type of business involves taking some risks, the odds are very good that you’ll be better set up for long term success than you would be by joining the equivalent MLM. Take it from me – being your own boss for in a real business is awesome.  It’s a lot of hard work, but if you have the drive and passion, I have all the faith in the world that you can make it happen for yourself.  If, that is, you prepare appropriately.

If you’re still unsure of how to start a transition like this, you can download my (brand new!) guide on How to Quit a Job You Hate to help you be as ready as possible to take the leap. Still have questions? I am more than happy to chat with you. Feel free to contact me and we can set up a call!

Why Financial New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

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“What’s it like to work with a financial planner?”

It’s a question I get asked all the time.  When most people think about a stereotypical “financial planner”, they tend to immediately think of an investment manager.  The conversations focus solely on investment management strategies, how to “beat the market”, and sometimes life insurance sales.  

While any good financial planner will touch on investments and insurance as part of a comprehensive financial strategy, this isn’t what working with a (good) financial planner is like, at all.  

How do I describe what I do as a financial planner?  Quite simply: I work with my clients and their finances the same way a personal trainer works with someone at the gym.  While we work with different subject areas – trust me, you don’t want me giving you physical fitness advice – personal training and financial planning have the same three key job requirements:

Help you get clarity on what you want to achieve. In the gym (and in everyday life), it is important to define exactly what you are looking to get out of the experience.  One of the most important steps in creating a financial plan is taking a step back to reflect on what’s most important to you in your life, and defining specific financial goals to help you realize that vision.  A personal trainer can’t help you improve your race time unless he or she knows whether you’re trying to run a 3k or a marathon. The same applies to your finances!

Develop and implement an effective way to get from Point A to Point B. Just like with physical growth, this process is different for everyone. It is important to ensure that the methods you establish to help you save money, pay off debt, or make other financial changes are effective for your life in a way you can consistently stick to. It’s vital to follow the most efficient path from where your finances are now to where you want them to be in the future.

Hold you accountable to your best intentions. This is the tactic I find MOST important, as I see it to be the biggest deal-breaker in whether or not you find success in the financial plans you make. Individuals who invest in personal trainers at the gym often see more consistent and continued progress than those who do not. Why? Because they make a commitment to the personal trainer that they will show up to the gym regularly, and because the trainer will be able to tell if they haven’t been making progress. I want to spark that same level of motivation in my clients when it comes to financial responsibility. I do what I do because I want to make sure that they show up for themselves and can move things forward at the pace they want to see.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of having a financial “personal trainer” and how I can help you get on track with your financial goals, contact me and we can set up a free introductory phone call!

Now, in order to stay true to my word and hold you accountable, I’ve got to ask…

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?

If they’re still going strong, congratulations! It is not an easy feat, and you’re one of the few who have successfully carried their New Year’s transformations beyond January. But if you are like most people, your resolutions probably haven’t been top of mind for a few weeks now. In this post, we talk about why New Year’s Resolutions, particularly financial ones, do not work for most people and what you can do to make sure you actually make financial progress in 2019.

Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Statistically, over 75% of people give up on their New Year’s Resolutions by February 1 — and that is for ALL resolutions. Resolutions specifically relating to money are often the hardest ones to keep.  Aspiring to make improvements to your financial situation is a great goal, but unfortunately New Year’s resolutions are typically an ineffective way of doing so. Why?

Financially, January (and December) tend to be the toughest months of the year.

Coming out of the holiday season, many individuals are stuck with large bills to pay from all of their gift-giving and traveling. If you can relate to this feeling, know that this is 100% normal.  But if you start preparing now, next year can be much more manageable! Starting to make changes in your finances before you’ve paid off your holiday credit card bill can be disheartening. What’s more demoralizing than starting new financial habits, making some improvements, and then logging into the computer later that month to pay a massive credit card bill? You’re much more likely to stick to a goal if you can see a few “quick wins” early on.  

To add to that, if we simply look at basic human psychology, we see that people tend to stress over financial losses much more than celebrating gains. Case in point: when I talk to clients about their investments, they often quote investment gains as a percentage – “My account is up 6% this month” – and they quote discussions about investment losses in dollars – “My account is down $600 this month”.  The reason? The losses feel more real to us. Psychology tells us that we often need to gain $2 to emotionally recover from a $1 loss. Because of this, those post-holiday spending bills can make it harder to see the positive progress and can dampen the motivation to continue towards your goal.  

January 1 is really just another random date.

If we look at it logistically, there is no difference between January 1 and any other date on the calendar. We often feel more motivated to makes changes at the beginning of the year because we feel like we are “supposed” to, but this self-motivation doesn’t last. Once a few days go by, we often lose the motivation brought on by the start of the calendar year, and January 7th feels more like December 7th than January 1st. At the end of the day, your self-motivation to make changes at the New Year is probably the same as at any other point in time.. There’s nothing wrong with starting on New Years if you’re ready, but if you’re not, don’t feel pressured to!

January is a difficult month in general

In the days and weeks following New Years, many people are still coming off of their “holiday high” of time spent celebrating and relaxing. Getting back into work and the stresses of regular life can often put a strain on individuals that greatly decreases the motivation to stick to resolutions. Lots of people tend to cave and give in to guilty pleasures (I can’t say I haven’t done this as well), which can throw you off track or cause you to stop altogether.

How to Set Financial Goals that Actually Work

Because of these things, many people procrastinate, become frustrated, or completely give up on their financial resolutions by this time of the year. However, this doesn’t have to be the case! Here are some strategies to set financial goals that actually stick.

  • Set your goals NOW.  The beginning of the year (or month, or week) is an arbitrary start time.  Why wait when you can act on your best intentions now?   
  • Be specific. Understand what is really important to you, and why. When speaking to clients about this, I love to dive deep into the “why” behind the changes they want to make; it exposes the motivations and can create a driving force for that individual. Once you think you’ve figured it out, ask yourself “why” one more time. You might be surprised and what you’ll learn about yourself.  Ultimately, this is important because the reasons behind the goals you set will be what compels you to stick with them.  “Self-motivation” doesn’t always work in the long term, but focusing on why you want to make a change works incredibly well.
  • Break down your goal into small, manageable steps (and focus on the first step!) For example, if your goal is to buy a home, break it down into subgoals: figure out how much you can afford, review credit reports, talk to multiple mortgage lenders, etc. By doing this you can create a timeline that is actually doable; and not only that, but by focusing on one small step at a time, you can make a daunting challenge seem much more manageable. Simply focusing on the first step along the way makes your goal much more realistically achievable and can get you excited about tackling that task.
  • Set SHORT deadlines. After you break down your goal into steps, set deadlines that encourage you to act now! Whether that be a week or a month (no more than that), setting short deadlines will keep you focused on the task at hand and actually accomplish what you have set out to do. Oftentimes, setting a deadline too far in the future, or not setting one at all, can lead to procrastination and avoidance. And when that happens, you’re back to facing the same problem you had when you set your New Year’s Resolution.
The Biggest Motivator

All these steps will help, but perhaps the biggest piece of advice for those of you out there struggling to stick to your financial goals is to find an accountability partner.

Whether that be a friend, family member, or coworker, having someone else to check in on you consistently and ensure you’re on track is the best way to keep motivated. Remember, while some people have a lot of success keeping up an exercise program on their own, it’s the people who hire personal trainers who see the best results.  Part of this has to do with the plan they help you develop, but personal trainers keep you accountable and make sure you’re doing the work week in and week out.

The same is true for finances. I am here to help guide, support, and keep you on track – but it doesn’t necessarily need to be a planner, either. Our friends, coworkers, and family members can be great accountability partners as well.  Now go find that person in your life, and set your goals together!

If you would like help refining and setting your goals to start NOW, and getting started on making real changes today, I am more than happy to set up a free introductory call with you. If you’ve already got a few, let me know what your goals are in the comments below!

Can You REALLY Get Public Sector Loan Forgiveness?

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Fears about the long-term viability of the Public Sector Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) have surrounded the program ever since it was established in October 2007.  In fact, we’ve discussed these concerns on the blog before!  But since we last discussed the future of PSLF, the initial round of forgiveness data seems to validate a lot of the concerns I last discussed in 2017, as the vast majority of applications for forgiveness were rejected in 2018.

That being said, most of this fear is misplaced.  There are three primary requirements you must meet in order to achieve loan forgiveness under PSLF – and unfortunately, the “fine print” is confusing for each of these three requirements, and the needed information historically hasn’t been clearly communicated by federal loan servicers.

At the end of the day, PSLF is a viable option for you – as long as you make sure you meet the three requirements, to the letter.  And despite scare tactics put out by companies that make money when you refinance your student loans – which, incidentally, will disqualify you from PSLF – borrowers who are currently in repayment are not threatened by any future changes to the PSLF program.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make sure your loans are on track to qualify for PSLF, download our free Student Loan Guide to learn more!

What is Public Sector Loan Forgiveness?

Before diving into the loan forgiveness provisions of PSLF, I want to give you some background on the Public Sector Student Loan Forgiveness program as a whole. This program was created to encourage citizens to pursue government jobs in exchange for loan forgiveness –the main selling point being that working in one of these jobs for 10 years would qualify you for complete loan forgiveness.

Unfortunately for the government, the PSLF program has essentially been too successful; not only did individuals in many different fields pursue these types of jobs in government in search of the benefits this program offered them, but a growing number of graduate and professional students accepted jobs at teaching hospitals and other non-profits seeking forgiveness for 7+ years of student loan borrowing.  The government didn’t intend to open this program to the volume of people currently seeking loan forgiveness, which has prompted several proposals to change the program over the years.  Critically, though, these changes will only affect future borrowers. If you are currently repaying loans seeking PSLF forgiveness, this should not be a cause for concern.

What Problems Face the PSLF Program?

When this program was first launched, the specifications and requirements for forgiveness were very vague and poorly communicated.  Additionally, Congress and the Department of Education have made significant changes to student loan policy several times over the past 15 years.  All of these changes were well-intentioned, but they made it hard for borrowers to keep up to make sure they had the right loans to qualify for PSLF forgiveness, and that they were on a qualifying repayment plan.  This particularly affects borrowers who had taken out student loans prior to 2010.

Unfortunately, the changes in student loan policy and poor communication of the requirements to applicants meant that almost 100% of people were rejected for forgiveness the first year it was offered.  And the fact that loans only started to be forgiven over the past year and a half is enough to raise concerns about the program by itself, at first glance. It is important to note, however, that this program began in October 2007. Because of the 10-year forgiveness requirement period, the first round of applicants eligible for forgiveness only submitted their applications a little over a year ago. To potential applicants for the program, seeing that the rejection percentage was so large and the total number of people who have had loans forgiven was so small, it’s completely understandable that  individuals are afraid to count on the application process altogether simply because they associate the program with failure.

But, here’s the catch: the PSLF program is not a failure, and it won’t be for anyone currently seeking loan forgiveness who reviews the detailed program requirements  PSLF is still in its early stages and there are many reasons to expect that the program will be successful for you in the coming years:

  • This is a blessing and a curse, but the government has only rejected applicants because their loans, payments, or jobs did not meet the requirements for forgiveness. Unfortunately, due to the poor communication about the program requirements, many individuals who thought they were eligible for PSLF actually were not. But the good news is that if you do make sure you comply with the “fine print” requirements for PSLF, you can expect loan forgiveness. With my help, we can ensure that you are meeting all the requirements for eligibility and are set up on the right path towards success.
  • Many people experience issues with the student loan servicers that process the payments. These companies often make a lot of mistakes processing loans that can incorrectly calculate your monthly payment or put your eligibility for forgiveness at risk. For the average millennial, it’s very difficult to identify and fix these potential issues.  With the help of a student loan planner (like me), this can be much more manageable.
  • I expect the number of accepted PSLF forgiveness applications to increase significantly in the coming years.  As I mentioned, the government did a terrible job getting people the information they needed to know how to qualify for the program.  That has gotten better over time, and it’s much easier for students who entered college in 2011 or later to have loans that automatically qualify for the program.  Just because so many people have been rejected in the first year or so of forgiveness applications doesn’t mean this will continue.
How Can I Make Sure I Get Loan Forgiveness?

Despite what you may have heard, qualifying for PSLF can be MUCH easier than many think… you just need to do your homework. Student loan policy has developed over time, and the changing options mean that additional steps may be required to maximize your likelihood of forgiveness.  If you focus on meeting three key requirements, you can feel good about your chances of achieving loan forgiveness.

As long as you make sure you are on track through each step, attaining forgiveness through this program is possible. I have laid out the three major steps you need to take right from the start to optimize your possibility of public sector loan forgiveness:

  1. Make sure your loans are eligible. The biggest myth around PSLF, that gets the most people into trouble, is assuming that every federally-issued student loan qualifies.  Not every type of federal loan qualifies for Public Sector forgiveness, so you should review your loan documents to verify. If the loans you currently have were distributed before 2010 (these type of loans are classified as “FFEL loans”), or are categorized as Perkin’s loans, you will need to consolidate them through the federal government to make them eligible for PSLF.  For those of you who have not yet started repaying your loans, be sure to check that your loans meet the eligibility requirements
  2. Make sure you are on an eligible payment plan. Often, individuals don’t realize that the payment plan they are on may be hurting their chances of loan forgiveness or reducing the amount that will be forgiven. Critically, you won’t get credit for any time where any of your loans are in deferment or forbearance.  While the Public Sector Loan Forgiveness program is often associated with a forgiveness time period of “10 years”, the real requirement is represented as 120 monthly payments.  If you make one payment a month for 10 years, this gets you to the required number of payments… but if you skip payments or place your loans into deferment or forbearance, you need to “make up” that payment in the future before you can apply for PSLF.  Additionally, “graduated” or “extended” payment plans won’t qualify as PSLF-eligible payments, either.  If you are seeking PSLF, you should make sure you are either on an Income-Driven Repayment plan or the standard 10-year repayment plan.  (And as a side note, you should make sure you are on the right Income-Driven Repayment plan.  In my experience, student loan servicers often put you on sub-optimal plans unless you specifically request the “right” one for you!)
  3. Make sure your job is qualifying and eligible. This loan forgiveness plan offers benefits to a wide range of professions, but it is important to confirm that your position qualifies. To be more specific, qualifying jobs include working for one of the following types of organizations:
    1. The Government
    2. A 501(c)3 Nonprofit
    3. The AmeriCorps or Peace Corps
    4. A Public Service Organizations.  Generally, non-profits as a whole will qualify.  But, there are a few exceptions.  Specifically, even if you work for a non-profit, jobs that are political in nature or labor union jobs are not eligible for forgiveness.

Once you understand these three criteria and confirm your eligibility, you can feel confident that you are on track for PSLF.

What is the Future of Public Sector Loan Forgiveness?

As I mentioned, a lot of the fear around PSLF has to do with future changes to the program.  And to be candid, this program is likely to see tweaks to it in the future. Congress has already tried to make changes to this program since the Obama administration, and I believe some new changes will come to fruition in coming years. Both Presidents Obama and Trump have discussed putting some type of limit on how much can be forgiven by the program.

Currently, Republicans in Congress has introduced the Prosper Act, which would completely eliminate PSLF altogether.

However, this is not a cause of concern for people who currently have student loans. This change would only affect new borrowers, not those who are already pursuing forgiveness. These forgiveness provisions are often written into borrower’s loan agreements; it will be a massive legal fight for the government to take these provisions away from current borrowers, and there is strong legal precedent for changes in student loan policy to only affect future borrowers.

So, if you or someone you know is considering going back to school with the goal of achieving loan forgiveness through PSLF once you graduate, this should be a legitimate concern. But otherwise, there is no need to fear.

The Key Takeaways

From all this information, there are two big takeaways:

  1. Public Sector Loan Forgiveness is very attainable as long as you do your homework and stay on track. Take the time to make sure that your loans, payments, and job qualify for the program.  And each year, you should recertify your income and file the Employment Certification Form to prove you work in a qualifying job.
  2. Recognize the conflicts of interest in the student loan industry.  As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I was inspired to discuss the fears about the future viability of PSLF am discussing this topic mainly because of an article sent to me by a private student loan refinancing company.  Ultimately, this is a pretty good overview of the program, but the section in the middle calling PSLF into question is misleading and intentionally stokes fear about the future of the program.  Remember, this company is a private student loan lender, meaning they make their money by taking loans eligible for PSLF and refinancing them into ones that aren’t. As long as you follow the PSLF program requirements, there is no need to be concerned about achieving forgiveness through the program.  And above all, if you’re seeking PSLF forgiveness, don’t refinance your loans!
What’s the Next Step?

If you would like to learn more about this program or your eligibility, I encourage you to download my Student Loan Guide to give you some help in determining whether or not you are on track to qualify for PSLF. I am also more than happy to set up an introductory call to walk through any questions you may have!

The Best Strategies to Save for Retirement

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What are the best strategies to use to save for retirement?  In this video and in the summary below, I respond to a few questions sent to me regarding the “right” ways to save for retirement.  Specifically, we discuss these three questions:

  • Presuming that a 401(k) alone won’t be sufficient to fund your retirement, what are the “next best” places to put your retirement money?
  • Pre-tax vs. Roth retirement accounts- what’s the best option to choose?
  • How much do you really need to save for retirement?

(Bill’s Note: The video below was originally recorded as a Facebook Live broadcast on November 26, 2018.)

The Three Tiers of Retirement Savings

Not all retirement savings accounts are created equal.  If your goal is to save aggressively for retirement, you’ll likely need to make some decisions about where you should be putting your money for retirement. 

I like to think about retirement savings accounts in the context of three different “tiers” that you should contribute to, in the following order:

Tier 1: Employer-Sponsored Retirement Accounts

If you have access to a retirement plan through your work, this should almost always be your first priority to save for retirement.  Typically, these accounts are structured as 401(k) accounts (for private sector workers), 403(b) accounts (for non-profit and education workers), or 457 accounts (for government employees).

If you don’t have access to a 401(k), 403(b), or 457 account through your work, you should skip to Tier 2, with one caveat.  If you are self-employed, there are a myriad of other retirement account options you could set up.  We’ll discuss these in more detail another day.

Assuming you do have a 401(k) or similar account at your job, there are several things you should consider:

  • If your employer matches your contributions, you should, at a minimum, contribute enough to receive the full match.  This is the closest thing to “free money” that you’ll ever get, so take advantage of it!
  • One of my favorite strategies to help people find ways to save more for retirement is to increase your 401(k) contributions by 1% every time you get a raise at work. You won’t notice the money you’re “missing” from your paycheck, since your paycheck is going up, anyway!  But you’d be surprised how big an effect thee gradual changes can have.  By the time I left my corporate job at PwC before starting my own business, I was contributing 12% of my paycheck to my 401(k), simply by following this strategy.
  • Most employer-sponsored retirement accounts are pre-tax accounts.  In other words, you don’t pay income tax on the money you contribute to these accounts (and in return, the money will be taxed when you withdraw funds from these accounts during retirement).  But “Roth-style” 401(k) plans have become increasingly common in recent years, which work the exact opposite way- you pay income taxes on your contributions today, but can withdraw the money tax free in retirement. If you have access to a Roth 401(k), you should seriously consider utilizing it.  More on Roth accounts in a bit.
  • Finally, make sure you know the maximum contribution you’re allowed to make to your retirement accounts every year.  For 2019, the max you can contribute is $19,000 per year (assuming you’re under the age of 50).  Typically, the IRS raises this limit each year (it was $18,500 in 2018, for example.)

But, as the three questions at the beginning of this post strongly implied, 401(k) savings alone typically aren’t sufficient to completely fund your retirement.  So, after setting up your 401(k) contributions, what should your next step be?

Tier 2: Individual Tax-Advantaged Accounts

As you have probably noticed, a key component of optimal retirement savings strategies includes managing taxes on your investments and retirement income.  As a result, you should always look for tax advantages in your retirement savings strategies, whether they’re traditional accounts (no taxes now, but you pay taxes during retirement) or Roth accounts (pay income taxes now, grow and withdraw the funds tax free in retirement). 

There are several different options available to you in Tier 2.  And my favorite one might surprise you.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Outside of a 401(k)/403(b)/457, HSAs are my absolute favorite way to save for retirement.

Why?  Because HSAs are essentially the last complete tax shelter that exists in America.

When choosing between a Traditional or Roth IRA, you pay taxes on your contributions at some point; whether it’s today or during retirement, your money gets taxed eventually.

But as long as you use the funds in your HSA for qualifying medical expenses, the money you contribute and invest in an HSA is never taxed.  Presuming your HSA account allows you to invest the money in your account, this can be an incredible savings vehicle for retirement.

This probably isn’t a shocker for you, but one of the primary challenges in preparing for retirement is making sure you have enough cash on hand to support your medical bills as you get older. With the rising cost of medical care, using an HSA to save for these retirement expenses is an incredibly efficient way to prepare for this.

Of course, there are a few qualifiers here:

  • You’re only eligible to open and fund an HSA if you have a high-deductible health plan. And if you do, you need to make sure you have a sufficient emergency fund to meet your deductible if you want to use your HSA for long-term investing.
  • The maximum contributions you can make to an HSA are relatively low.
HSA Contribution Limits for 2018 and 2019

HSAs are commonly overlooked as a retirement savings vehicle… but they really shouldn’t be.

NOTE: HSAs and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are not the same thing.  You should not be using FSAs to save for retirement, because you need to use the money in FSAs each year or it goes away.  Conversely, you are allowed to accumulate money in an HSA.

Traditional/ Roth IRAs

In 2019, you can contribute $6,000 to either a traditional or Roth IRA (up from $5,500 in 2018). Although, it’s worth noting that you have until April 15, 2019 to make that $5,500 contribution to your IRA for the 2018 tax year!

There are several questions you need to answer to determine which is the right type of account to use. Here’s how to decide which one to contribute to:

Can you deduct a traditional IRA contribution?  We’ve already established that “traditional” retirement accounts allow you to deduct your contributions from your taxable income this year.  But here’s the catch: if you have a 401(k) or similar account at work, you likely can’t deduct your IRA contribution on top of that.  The rules are somewhat complicated, and you should seek professional advice to verify your ability to deduct your IRA contributions.  But, this should be the first question you answer before making your decision.

Are you eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA? “Making too much money” is generally a good problem to have.  But, it can make you ineligible to directly contribute to a Roth IRA.  The table below shows the income restrictions on making direct Roth IRA contributions. 

Roth IRA Income Contribution Limits: 2019

Two caveats about this:

  1. These income restrictions do not apply to Roth 401(k) plans.  So, if your employer offers one, it is worth considering regardless of your income levels.
  2. You technically can still get money into a Roth IRA utilizing a Roth IRA conversion strategy. This is a very complicated process and it’s important to make sure you do it the proper way to avoid trouble with the IRS, so you should seek professional help before attempting this on your own.

When will your tax rate be higher: now, or during retirement?  This is the fundamental driver of the Traditional-or-Roth IRA decision.  Simply put, you want to pay taxes when you’re in a lower tax bracket.

If you expect your tax rate to be higher in retirement than it is now, you should pay taxes on your income now and withdraw it tax free in retirement by using a Roth IRA.  If, on the other hand, you expect your income (and income tax rate) to be significantly lower when you retire, a Traditional IRA is probably the right choice for you.

However, this is more complicated than it appears at first glance.  Remember, we’re not looking to compare your tax rate today with what your tax rate today is for your expected retirement income level.  You need to think about how tax rates will change between now and when you retire to make this decision.  Which, given that your retirement date is likely decades from now, is notan easy task.

My personal belief? Particularly after the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in late 2017, today’s income tax rates are at all-time lows.  Which makes me inclined to believe that tax rates are likely to be higher when we retire, making Roth IRAs a great option for young people today.  That’s just my opinion, of course; I don’t have any more of a crystal ball to predict the future than you do.  But, particularly if you’re close to exceeding the income limits, you should seriously consider a Roth IRA.

How much flexibility do you need?   One final thing to consider: Roth IRAs are much more flexible than traditional IRAs.  While I don’t typically recommend that you withdraw money from your retirement accounts before retirement, you should know that you can withdraw your contributions to your Roth IRA at any time, without penalty. (As long as your investments haven’t gone down significantly in value of course- you can’t withdraw something that isn’t there!)  You can’t withdraw the investment earnings in your Roth IRA without paying a significant penalty, but you canwithdraw your contributions. 

Make Non-Deductible Contributions to Traditional IRAs

Even if you can’t deduct your traditional IRA contributions, it’s a strategy worth considering.

Even though you won’t be able to deduct a $6,000 (2019 maximum) contribution to a Traditional IRA now, and you’ll pay taxes when you withdraw the money in retirement, there’s still one tax benefit you can take advantage of:  between now and when you retire, you won’t be taxed each year on the investment earnings in your account. 

You might be losing the “primary” benefit of a traditional IRA if you can’t deduct the contributions, but at least you’ll save on taxes every year between now and when you retire by sheltering your investments in this type of account.

Tier 3: Regular Investment Accounts

You should be investing your retirement savings into something.  Which means that once you’ve run out of retirement account options, your final option is to invest in a regular brokerage account.

There are no tax benefits to holding this type of account.  The money you put into this account is after-tax money, your investment earnings will be taxed every year, and you’ll be taxed when you sell your investments.  But, the primary challenge in saving for retirement is making sure your money grows at a faster rate than inflation.  By investing your money as opposed to keeping it in a savings account, you give yourself the best possible shot to make sure that happens, even if there aren’t specific tax benefits for doing so.

What Shouldn’t You Use to Save for Retirement?

In a nutshell: you shouldn’t use permanent life insurance or annuity products to save for retirement. 

I’ve written at length before about why I hate permanent life insurance as an investment vehicle for retirement.  It might come with tax benefits, but the costs of these products far outweigh the benefits for the vast majority of people. 

And for young people, annuities are even worse. Until you’re at least 50 years old, you shouldn’t even consider purchasing an annuity.  And even then, there are still probably better options for you.

I’ll probably do a whole separate article about why I dislike these products.  But until then, if you’re contemplating using life insurance or annuities as a retirement-savings vehicle, you should seek advice from a third party who doesn’t sell these products for a livingto make sure it’s the right fit for you.

How Much Do I Need to Save For Retirement?

Unfortunately, there’s no generic answer I can give to this question.  Everybody’s retirement savings needs are different, so you should work with a financial planner to develop a retirement plan specific to you and your vision for your life to answer this question.

Simply put, the way you want to live in retirement significantly impacts the math on how much you need to save.  Consider two different families:  one of whom wants to purchase a vacation house on the beach when they retire, and the other wants to sell their primary house, downsize to an apartment, and buy an RV to travel the country.

Which person will need more money to support their vision for their life in retirement?  All other things equal, the first one.

You need to develop your own retirement savings plan to determine how much you need to save.  If you want to learn more and get this process started, I encourage you to book a free breakthrough session with me so we can discuss more and start developing your plan of action.